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Globe Trotter

The player gets to travel around the world but is required to share dreamlike content on social media for financing.

Road Game 2021-01-19 14-55-55
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Context: School assignment

Duties : Game Design, Level Design, Programming.

Tools: Rational Design, Procedural Rhetoric, Unity.

Genre: Road Movie, First Person, Photography.

Team size: 4

Duration: 2 weeks




  • Designed and implemented the "Take Picture" mechanic.

  • Designed and Implemented Phone systems

  • Shared game concept and conducted research




  • Make a game inspired by the Road Movie Genre

  • Deconstruct the myth of modern escapism



Concept ​​

​The player is a young adult looking for escapism. To reach it, they fund her trips around the world with commercial partnerships. As a result, they must consistently share pictures expressing escapism on social media to be able to keep travelling freely.


However, since there's no true escapism in the modern world, they find themselves struggling to hide reality by finding framing angles free from fences, modern buildings, boards, fences, garbage, other tourists etc. On top of that, her phone constantly vibrates and hides most of the scenery because of the numerous partnership requests they receive by mail.


If they put their phone on silent or doesn't satisfy enough requests, they won't get enough money and will have to put an end to their "escape".

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